What's Your Thing?

What's Your Thing?

Resurrection Parish invites you to explore
“What’s Your Thing?” in the coming year.

There are a huge variety of ministries and opportunities to plug into at Resurrection.

Do you have a desire for great liturgies? Consider joining the music ministry, being an usher, or proclaiming God’s word as a lector at our Masses.

Do you have a heart for the marginalized? Consider serving with St Vincent de Paul to help our neighbors in need, making sandwiches for Pope Francis Center, or getting involved with our Strangers No Longer group to support migrant families.

Do you love kids? Consider volunteering one weekend a month to help in Children’s Liturgy of the Word or in the 11 a.m. childcare for our littlest members.

Do you have leadership skills? Consider being on our parish counsel and help us strengthen our community.

Do you love gardening? Consider keeping our flower gardens beautiful or growing veggies to share with a local food pantry.

Are you good with tools? Consider helping with our maintenance team to keep things running smoothly.

Do you have a passion to grow in your faith and help others to do the same? Consider helping at

one of our many faith enriching opportunities, like our parish mission or Advent event, or start a small group on your
favorite topic.

The options are endless, and we want to help you find “What’s Your Thing?”

Watch the Sonrise and check out the Gathering Space for information and displays on all the possibilities at Resurrection. Talk to some of those involved and learn more. Allow us to help you find “Your Thing” at Resurrection!

Pick up a Ministry Handbook in the Gathering Space. If you want to learn more or volunteer, please call the Parish Office at (734) 451-0444 or email Resoffice@ResurrectionParish.net

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