Faith Formation

Register for Faith Formation and/or Sacrament Preparations HERE

Faith Formation Opportunities at Resurrection Parish

  • Children's Faith Formation

     Kindergarten through Seventh Graders are invited to join us for faith formation classes at Resurrection Parish. Classes are held Tuesdays from 6:30- 7:45 p.m. and began September 17th, 2024 but students may join at any time. Small class sizes and engaging discussions will help foster your child's faith, wherever they are on their journey. We encourage in-person attendance since so much of our faith experience is best experienced in community, but we also offer at-home options if you have schedule conflicts on Tuesdays.

    Register HERE
  • First Reconciliation and First Communion

    1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion are traditionally celebrated in second grade at Resurrection but we welcome older children as well. Preparations for 1st Reconciliation began Tuesday, September 10th, 2024 and the children received the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Tuesday, November 19th. 1st Communion preparations begin Tuesday, January 7th and children will receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion on Sunday, May 4th at 2 pm Mass. Public School children attend Tuesday evening classes to prepare for these sacraments. Catholic School families may prepare for these sacraments at-home or are welcomed to attend the Tuesday evening classes. Please contact to inquire about availability. Both public and Catholic School families are asked to attend several parent and child gatherings to prepare for these Sacraments throughout the year.

    Register Here
  • The Sacrament of Confirmation

    Confirmation: Confirmation is a year long preparation and we welcome those who are receptive to receiving this Sacrament (typically those who are in 7th and 8th grade and high schoolers). Classes will meet each Sunday, beginning September, 22nd, 2024.  Our program includes engaging presentations, small group discussions led by high school mentors, prayer and retreat experiences, and meaningful communiity outreach/service projects. Our young people will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation Sunday, March 2nd, 2025 at 3 p.m. 

    Please note: The Archdiocese of Detroit requires two years of faith formation for children receiving sacraments. (This means they should be in some form of faith formation classes or attend a Catholic School for at least one year prior to beginning Sacramental preparations like Confirmation.) Feel free to reach out to with questions.

    Register HERE
  • OCIA-Joining the Catholic Church

    Each year, we guide and walk with a group of people who are thinking about becoming Catholic, and those who want to explore the faith and ask questions. This process is called the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, or OCIA (previously called RCIA)

    OCIA could be helpful if:

    • You want to be baptized in the faith
    • You want to join us from another faith
    • You are a baptized Catholic, but haven’t received the Sacrament of Communion and/ or Confirmation
    • You are a Catholic who wants to deepen your understanding of the Catholic faith

    The important thing is to pray, and listen – to stay open to the many ways in which God may be calling to you. The group meets weekly October through April to reflect on the Sunday readings, learn about the Catholic faith tradition, and prayerfully discuss how it all applies to their lives. Those who decide to receive Baptism, Eucharist/Communion, and/or Confirmation will be fully welcomed into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil on April 19th, 2025. 

    To learn more and to register, Email Karen Hogan or call the office at (734) 451-0444. 

    Email Karen Hogan
  • Men and Women's Retreats

    Resurrection Parish

    Men's Retreat Weekend: November 1-3, 2024

    Women's Retreat Weekend: March 21-23, 2025


    St Paul of the Cross Retreat Center


    The theme for 2024-25 is It's All About Presence...

    The Eucharist invites us to partake in the very presence of God and allow that presence to transform us into God’s presence for others.

    Come, as we explore together at this retreat, the depth and breadth of God’s presence – within and among us. How do we let the seed of God’s presence germinate in our hearts, transform us into the body of Christ to continue His mission in the world today? Compelling us to share the harvest with all!

    Weekend retreats begin on Friday with check-in at 4:30 pm. (Your room will be available at this time.) The first event of the weekend is dinner at 6:30 pm. The retreat concludes on Sunday morning after Mass (the retreat will be completed before noon.) 

    For more information contact St Paul of the Cross Weekend Retreat Coordinator, Christine, at (313) 286-2802 or

     Registration Link for Women's Weekend

    or Call (313) 286-2802 to register via phone

    Won't you join us? Jesus is present there in a special way. Maybe it’s turning off the phone, maybe it’s being away from that regular routine, but I personally get a true sense of the presence of God every time I am there. If this weekend won't work for you, check out their website and find a weekend that does, invite a friend or two and go. Either way, Jesus is there in a special way, and He's waiting to encounter you.

     - Laura Huben, Women's Retreat Captain

    St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center, 23333 Schoolcraft near I-96 and Telegraph provides a sacred place of hospitality and compassion where all of us are welcome. It’s a place where we can leave our smart phones, emails, and texts behind. Instead bring a copy of the bible and a good spiritual book to read. Plan on attending daily Mass; receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation; praying the rosary; listening to some preaching; meditating on what we hear in silence; learning what Hope means to each of us individually and growing in love with Jesus and learning how to share His love with others. As Catholics we look forward to Heaven and living there for eternity with God. Why not spend a couple days getting to know each other better?

    - George Krinke, Men's Retreat Captain 

    Women's Retreat SignUp
  • Women's Faith Sharing Group

Register for Faith Formation Classes or Sacramental Preparations HERE
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