Parish History

Parish History

Resurrection Parish was established by decree of the Archbishop of Detroit effective July 2, 1990; with Fr. Richard Perfetto as its first pastor. The parish was established to serve the needs of the growing population of western Wayne County, in the vicinity of Canton Township, Michigan. The name Resurrection was adopted effective July 9, 1990. Resurrection's first celebration of the Eucharist was held in August 1990 at the premises of Isbister School. Thirty-three pioneer families formally joined the parish in September 1990.

In January 1991, the celebration of Sunday Mass was moved to Pioneer Middle School, and office space was leased at 2200 N. Canton Center Road. The first Pastoral Council members were selected by lot in July 1991, and that September, a Facilities Steering Commission was formed to research and plan the development of a 27 acre site on Warren Road.

A Master Site Plan that had been several months in developing was finalized in November 1992. Merrit, McCallum & Cieslak were selected as architects for the church building in April 1993, and the Master Plan was approved by the Archdiocese in August 1993.     


A fundraising campaign for the building project was launched in October 1993, raising over $300,000 by December 12. The Pastor and the chairs of the Steering Commission and Finance Committee then met with Archdiocesan authorities to seek a loan of up to $1.5 million to finance construction of the new church building.

Site plan approval was received from Canton Township in January 1994, and a contract for building the church was signed in May 1994 with ground breaking taking place the same month. The Cornerstone Ceremony took place on May 7, 1995; and the parish offices opened at the new site on May 31, 1995. The formal dedication of the new church took place on June 25, 1995.

In 2010 Fr. Kenneth Chase was appointed our second Pastor

In 2013 Fr. Charles White IV was appointed Pastoral Administrator.

In 2014 Fr. Eugene Katcher was appointed our third Pastor.

In 2017 Fr. Thomas Kramer was appointed our fourth Pastor.

In 2023 Fr. Paul Ballien was appointed as the Administrator of our parish, and both Fr. James Houbeck and Fr. Paul Onyebuchi served as our Associate Pastors.

In 2024 Resurrection formed a Family of Parishes with Our Lady of Good Counsel, St. John Neumann, and St. Thomas a'Becket. Fr. James Houbeck is now Resurrection's Priest in Solidium.

We continue to be a vibrant parish where all are welcomed and we strive to be a true parish family.

Welcome to Resurrection Parish!

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