1st Reconciliation and 1st Communion are traditionally celebrated in second grade at Resurrection but we welcome older children as well. Preparations for 1st Reconciliation begin Tuesday, September 9th, 2024 and the children will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation in late November.
1st Communion preparations begin Tuesday, January 10th and children will receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion on May 4th, 2025. (Other dates are also available.)
Public School children attend Tuesday evening classes to prepare for these sacraments. Catholic School families may prepare for these sacraments at-home or are welcomed to attend the Tuesday evening classes. Please contact Karen.Hogan@ResurrectionParish.net to to learn more about sacrament preparations at Resurrection.
Both public and Catholic School families are asked to attend several parent and child gatherings to prepare for these Sacraments throughout the year.
Click HERE to Register for 1st Reconciliation/1st Communion preparations at Resurrection
Tuesday in-person sessions are 6:30-7:45 p.m. See the Tentavie Schedule below.
Sunday, Sept 8th Outdoor Homecoming Mass followed by food, games, and live music beginning at 11 a.m.
Tuesday, September 10th-Orientation for ALL 1st Reconciliation Students and at least one Parent (Faith Formation classes for other students begin on September 17th)
Tuesday, September 17th- 1st First Reconciliation class (optional for Catholic students)
Tuesday, September 24th -2nd First Reconciliation class
Tuesday, October 1st -3rd First Reconciliation class
Tuesday, October 8th – 4th First Reconciliation class
Tuesday, October 15th -5th First Reconciliation class
Tuesday, October 22th -6th First Reconciliation class
Tuesday, October 29th- 7th First Reconciliation class
No Class Tuesday, November 5th -Election Day
Tuesday, November 12th -8th First Reconciliation class
Monday, November 18th – REHEARSAL ALL First Reconciliation Students and at least one Parent at 6:30 p.m.
Tentative: Tuesday, November 19th- Sacrament of Reconciliation 6:30 pm
Tuesday November 26th -NO CLASS (Thanksgiving Week)
Tuesday, December 3rd – Safe Environment training for non-Catholic school students
Tuesday, December 10th – Nativity Play and Christmas party with parents and students
Tuesday, December 17th-31st – NO CLASS (Christmas Break)
Tuesday, January 7th -Orientation for All First Communion Students and at least one Parent
Tuesday, January 14th -1st First Communion class
Tuesday, January 21st -2nd First Communion class
Tuesday, January 28th -3rd First Communion class
Tuesday, February 4th -4th First Communion class
Tuesday, February 11th -5th First Communion class
Tuesday, February 18th - 6th First Communion class
Tuesday, February 25th -7th First Communion class
Tuesday, March 4th –Mardi Gras-Lenten event (Parents and siblings welcome 7:15-7:45 pm)
Tuesday, March 11th – 8th First Communion class
Tuesday, March 18th -9th First Communion class
NO CLASS Tuesday, March 25th –(Spring Break)
Tuesday, April 1st – 10th First Communion class
Tuesday, April 8th - Lenten All Parish Event- 1st Communicant and at least one parent
NO CLASS Tuesday, April 15th (Holy Week)
Thursday, April 17th – 7 p.m. Holy Thursday Services (encouraged attendance)
Friday, April 18th -Noon-3 p.m. Good Friday Services (encouraged attendance as you are available)
Sunday, April 20th -9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Easter Mass (encouraged attendance)
Tuesday, April 22nd Safe Environment training for all non-Catholic school students
Tuesday, April 29th- Rehearsal for all first Communion children and at least one parent 6:30-7:15 p.m. Followed by end of year party for First Communion children, Faith Formation children, and parents 7:15- 7:45 p.m.
First Communion Mass Sunday, May 4th at 2 p.m.
Obtain your Child’s Baptism Certificate: Please send in a copy of your child’s baptism certificate. You may also call or email the baptizing church and ask them to send a record to Resurrection Parish, 48755 Warren Road, Canton, MI 48187. (734) 451-0444 or Fax: (734) 451-0454. Please send baptism certificate by November 1st, 2024. If your child was baptized at Resurrection, we already have everything we need!
Required Meetings: Attend the 2 required Reconciliation parent/child meetings and the 2 first Communion parent/child meetings in-person or contact me to attend a make-up meeting.
Reconciliation Preparations: Public School children attend in-person classes on Tuesday evenings. Catholic School Students: You are welcome and encouraged to attend the Tuesday night sessions if there is room in the class. Let Karen Hogan at Karen.Hogan@ResurrectionParish.net know if you are interested in this option. If doing the homeschool option, complete the 8 lessons in your Reconciliation booklet by November 19th. Use the family guide to help guide you through the process. You don’t need to be a theologian. Just share from your heart and let your child know how God has been working in your life!
First Communion Preparations: Between January 7th and April 29th, attend the Tuesday sessions Or, if in a Catholic School, you have the option of completing the 10 lessons in your First Communion booklet. Use the family guide to guide you through the process!
First Communion Dates: The 2 p.m. Mass on Sunday, May 4th, will be a special Mass for 1st Communion families and will be the best option to accommodate families with a larger number of guests. If you would like to celebrate your child 1st Communion on another date, please contact Karen.Hogan@ResurrectionParish.net